Be The Energy You Want To Attract

Let’s talk energy. And no, not the kind you get from downing a double-shot espresso (though we love that). We're diving deep into the vibes we give off and attract in our lives. Ever heard the saying, “Be the energy you want to attract?” Let's unwrap this and chat about how we can elevate our lives by, quite literally, vibing high.

Understanding the energy game

Alright, lovely ladies, let's start with the basics. Everything, from the desk you're sitting at to the thoughts swirling in your mind, is made of energy. And this energy vibrates at different frequencies. When we say, "I'm in high spirits" or "I'm feeling low," we're actually giving voice to these frequencies.

The frequency feedback loop

The Universe, in its infinite wisdom, works on a feedback mechanism. Send out positive, high-frequency energy, and you'll attract circumstances and people vibrating at that same high frequency. Conversely, if you’re stewing in negativity, don’t be surprised if you attract a raincloud over your head.

The power of intention

Now, we're not saying you should slap on a smile and pretend everything's peachy when it’s not. Girl, we've all had those days when we want to hide under the covers, binge-watch rom-coms, and eat all the chocolate. But there's power in setting an intention to shift our energy.

Practical magic: How to be the energy you want

Alright, enough theory. Let's dive into some actionable steps!

  1. Mind Your Thoughts:

    • Your mind is like a garden. Plant positive thoughts, weed out the negative ones, and watch your energy bloom.

  2. Physical Movement:

    • Whether it's a dance-off in your living room, a serene yoga session, or a run in the park, moving your body elevates your energy.

  3. Surround Yourself with High-Vibe People:

    • You know that friend who leaves you feeling uplifted every time? Stick with them. Energy is contagious.

  4. Practice Gratitude:

    • Instead of focusing on what’s missing, count your blessings. A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.

  5. Limit Energy Drains:

    • Be it toxic relationships, mindless scrolling on social media, or overcommitting – identify what drains you and set boundaries.

  6. Meditation & Mindfulness:

    • These practices anchor you, helping to clear mental clutter and raise your energy.

  7. Nature Therapy:

    • Nature is the ultimate energy booster. Take a walk, hug a tree, or simply bask in the sunshine.

The ripple effect

When you consciously choose to radiate positivity, you set off a ripple effect. Your elevated energy can uplift those around you, and before you know it, you've created a circle of positivity. Imagine the possibilities if each one of us commits to being the best energy in the room?

Energy in the everyday

Now, this doesn't mean you won't have off days. It’s natural, and it's okay. But even on those days, remember that you have the power to shift your energy. It could be as simple as playing your favorite song, lighting a scented candle, or doodling in your journal.

At the heart of it, "Be the energy you want to attract" is a reminder that you hold the power. So, whether you’re 18, 30, 50, or somewhere in between, remember: Your energy introduces you before you even speak. Make it authentic.

Here’s to manifesting dreamy vibes and attracting a life that makes us jump out of bed every morning.

Nothing but love,


She’s Curated Head Coach


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